
Episode 6 - "Talking About Vulnerability @ Work"

About This Episode

Today we are discussing the topic of Vulnerability at Work. Practicing vulnerability is not only about sharing personal information and your feelings - employees display vulnerability every time they bring up a new idea in a meeting or challenge an old way of thinking. Leaders practice vulnerability when they say "I don't know" or "I'm sorry" or make space for their team to give them feedback. Learn why these "moments of vulnerability" are proven to accelerate trust and connection, and why that accelerates the performance of people at work.

Who joined us in the Living Room today?


Andy Nelson

Joining us for this conversation is Andy Nelson, a two-time Stage 4 Cancer survivor, business leader, executive coach, husband and father.  Throughout his life he has learned the power of vulnerability and has experienced the impact of it in both the workplace and his life.


Archana Patchirajan, HBR Article, told to Emma Seppala, 2014.) 


Readings & articles referred to during Andy's cancer story:

Greg Boyle 

Henri Nouwen

De Mello


"Vulnerability is the birthplace of innovation, trust and engagement," 

Brené Brown, TED2012.

We hope you enjoy this wholehearted conversation where we not only define and discuss vulnerability at work, but practice it ourselves.

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