
Episode 7 - "Talking About Trust @ Work"

"It's Not Personal, It's Just Business."

Many of us have heard this phrase uttered at work as a means of dismissing the tough messages or bad behavior that proceeded it. It is often used by someone who thinks what happened should not be taken personally. However, if you have ever been on the receiving end of a "just business" message you know that it is impossible - it usually feels deeply personal because our brains are not capable of distinguishing what happens to us at work from what happens to us as a person. Your trust in that human being or that organization will be damaged during the exchange and you will become guarded when interacting with them in the future. They just made a withdrawal from your Trust Fund, whether they want to acknowledge it or not.

Who is joining us for this conversation?

Joining us for this conversation is John Kompa - he is a highly effective leader who has spent much of his professional life leading teams. When we met him, he was at an uncomfortable moment in his career - his team was struggling and people above him were getting involved. We are going to talk about how he navigated that situation and how we worked together to rebuild trust and heal his team. This is a relatable story we hope many team leaders will take the time to listen to.


"The Five Dysfunctions of a Team" by Patrick Lencioni 

"What Google Learned in their Quest to Build a Perfect Team" – This New York Times article introduced the world to compelling research completed at Google into the “secret sauce” of high performing teams. Their findings created a compelling business case for all leaders to create the conditions of trust and psychological safety on their teams. 


 @ www.TheLeadershipLivingRoom.com

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